Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Checking in....

I'm usually so full of words and things to say that I cannot hold ideas and thoughts in, especially with a sweet new blog home. But....these are not easy times and I find myself feeling that my writings and words are not what needs to be heard right now. There are far more articulate and important writers, warriors that have more of what needs to be written , heard and absorbed.  That being said, I have just a bit of a thought to share. 

I am not okay. People I love are not okay. We are not okay which is to be expected. These are times of great upheaval and conflict, even trying to have conversations with friends and family is tricky so we hold things in.  Hard things, heavy and dark things. Fears and worries and not the least is the fear of saying something that will incited more conflict and misunderstanding ironically at a time when what we need and want is more understanding and less conflict. 

I ran across this lovely piece of art last week by the talented Keely Shaw Art (@keelyshawart on Instagram, please check out her feed).  I fell in love with the beautiful conversation starters that are amazing ways to talk to people you love. 

   I particularly focused in on the bottom right bubble ...."what have you done just for you today?"   I've started using these words to people I love in person or in text. And I ask myself the same question at the end of the day.  The answers range from intensely thoughtful to the lightest thing. My son Jack said he made himself the perfect grilled cheese and turkey sandwich on sourdough bread, but his eyes lit up as he described it to me.  A daughter said she stood up for herself and later had a glass of wine under the stars.  I said that I ate well, answered a friends question without waltzing around the truth (with loving honesty) and danced in the kitchen.    Small everyday actions that might be forgotten are suddenly turned around as we realize that this is how we take care of our bruised hearts. In this time of so much upheaval and chaos, we have the power to do small things for ourselves to keep our oars in the water and lighten the weight on our spirits.  We have the power to do big things that can bring change and understanding. But must take care of ourselves in the process, I love the saying "You can't pour from an empty vessel".  So much truth in that.
     Keep checking in on your loved ones, on friends and on yourself.  It might just be a beautiful salad, or a long bath... these small things are everything. And the big things, do those and then celebrate that you took care of yourself on this one day.  Then do it again tomorrow...check in on yourself, find the bits of goodness in the ordinary sweet moments. Check in on your friends, ask this question and see what they tell you. It will fill your heart to hear their truth and to have them glow as little when you ask them a question that is so meaningful and earnest ... AND.... while I am checking on you...how have you been sleeping? Drink some water and take a nap if you are tired. 

I love you, I want you to be better. we will find our way. To quote Glennon Doyle.... We can do hard things...

Take Good Care

Instagram @Barbarasuew

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